Why CMA?
"I wish all education could be like Children's Music Academy where my three children have felt special, successful, and competent. Music is not a frill - it's one of the basics that should be included in a child's life.”
–Coleen, CMA Mom and Primary Teacher
Music Matters
Our curriculum is built on research that proves MUSIC MATTERS. Music affects virtually every aspect of development and when young children are consistently engaged by music during the “musical window” they benefit at many levels:
- Builds spatial-temporal reasoning skills critical for greater success in math and science studies.
- Music students out-perform non-music students on achievement tests in reading and math.
- Music students receive more academic honors and awards than non-music students.
- Develops social and emotional skills including the ability to relate to others and better express ideas, and less likely to have behavior/discipline problems.
What is the musical window?
Isn't it amazing to watch how quickly a child can pick up a second language? This same kind of learning happens with kids and music. There is a window of time between the ages of four and eight when the potential for development of the musical ear in young children is the greatest. The younger children are when they begin their musical involvement the more musical they will become. Our curriculum is designed to maximize this developmental period and cultivate the musical gift in every young child.
Experts weigh in on the value of music
CMA Matters
- Our approach is fun, affirming, non-pressured and creative.
- We maximize the development period of a child's musical ear.
- Our small group setting utilizes lively, interactive and diverse experiences.
- CMA's curriculum is multi-dimensional and teaches keyboard, singing, theory, ear training, composition, ensemble playing, guitar and recorder.
- A weekly "musical date" with your child provides a unique bonding experience.
What about private lessons?
Do we believe in private lessons? You bet! But we know from experience that private lessons are most valuable for older kids who have the ability to concentrate in a one-to-one setting. Private teachers LOVE getting our graduates because our grads have a solid foundation in keyboard skills and music theory and typically excel quickly in their continued music education and when learning other instruments. In contrast to private lessons, Children's Music Academy is suited for young children and holds their attention in a fast-paced class with multiple activities and varied musical experiences. The education and experiences a child has at CMA sets them up for success with private instruction. See the CMA difference!My research has shown the activities at CMA to be appropriately matched to young children’s skills, and that students feel highly challenged and successful.

All three of our boys have gone through the CMA program. While it was definitely a time commitment, all of my boys have a solid foundation in theory, reading/playing music and ear training. The time we were able to spend with each child during the classes was priceless.